Windows Kits (Windows SDK package) installed (for the "signtool.exe")
SafeNet Authentication package installed (to access the USB token)
Install the needed packages mentioned above, they are probably already installed though.
Start the "CodeSigningTool.exe", set the needed paths and values, the 2 needed .exe's are probably fine if you installed the 2 package to the default folders.
Only edit "signtool.exe cmd line" if you know what you are doing, the default value should be ok.
Adjust the "Timestamping server" value to your code signing certificate provider's server.
Add file(s) to sign to the list.
The specified "description" appears eg. when Windows asks for confirmation. Set it to something like "My Application Setup".
Insert your USB token into a free USB slot.
Click the "Sign" button.
SafeNet Authentication will ask for the token password.
If everything went fine, beside the file 'Success' should be displayed.
Exit the SafeNet Authentication application.
Exit the Code Signing Tool application, all settings will be saved.
Tip: In "SafeNet Authentication" settings (gear icon), "Client settings/Advanced" checkmark the 2 options "Enable single logon." and "Enable single logon for PKCS#11." to not ask for the token password for every file only after a new logon.